About The Grant

The grant awarded is normally between £200 and £400.

Grants support course fees only.

Grants are paid direct to institutions on behalf of applicants. No payments are made to individuals.
The YLCE Awards Committee considers personal applications from women who:
Are British citizens.
Are aged 21 and over.
Have a confirmed offer of a place at a British educational institution.
Are not eligible for Student Finance support and require help with course fees.
Are not related to a member of the Yorkshire Ladies' Council of Education.
Women who are eligible for a Postgraduate Loan are also eligible for our support.
How To Apply
- Application is to be made online.
- Applications are accepted only between 1st January and 1st June
- They are assessed only in 2 funding rounds, in MARCH and JUNE.
- Applications must be received by midnight on the first day of the relevant month.
- When completing the form, please answer the questions fully and carefully with as much detail as possible.
- Do not use abbreviations or acronyms in the first instance.
- No documents other than the form itself are to be submitted.
- The receipt of forms is acknowledged by an automated email.
After Submission
- Applicants are informed of the Trustees' decision as soon as possible after assessment by the Awards Committee, at the latest by the end of the relevant month. The Trustees' decision is final.
- Initially grants are awarded for one year only. Candidates wishing to be considered for a further grant for the same course must reapply selecting the correct option. Grants will be awarded for no more than three years in total.
- If your application is successful, we will notify you by email and send you a letter of confirmation to take or send to the finance office of your institution. We will also ask your permission to hold your information on a secure database, so that we may contact you by post or email in the future.